So, I know from my
experience, that the older a squash is, the more mature/viable the seeds inside will be. That said, I have 2 scenarios that I could use some experienced feedback on, if you will?
1. I purchased a store-bought acorn squash at the dark green stage with a spot of orange on it. I let it sit on the counter for probably over a month until it was 95% orange. I knew the flesh was not good at this stage, but I wanted the seeds inside to plump up. I cut it open, and while it was loaded with seeds, they were empty shells in a sense. I was expecting some plump full seeds at that stage of maturity. Does anyone have experience saving acorn squash seeds? Do they not plump up like other squashes? I washed & dried the lot to gauge the thickness, but they all floated in my initial test.
2. I have an OP maxima squash that was shaping up real nice that I wanted to continue in my
landrace. It was bright yellow with a blue blossom end & elongated like a candy roaster, pink banana, or gete okosomin type but with a little bulge in the middle like a hubbard. I noticed on a previous examination that it had 2 bore holes in one end, so I picked it up a bit to examine if it had healed over yet & it halfway broke off the vine. I went ahead & broke it off completely in the hopes that I can cure it & maybe get some seeds from it, but I'm doubtful. Also, I wanted the plant to try & push one more female flower to fruit to try again now that the rains have come more frequently & the male flowers are back. Have any of you been able to get viable seed from less than mature squash? My plan is to cure it & save it back for a long time to let the seeds absorb the fruit, so long as it doesn't rot before then. Anyone have experience with trying this?