To toes of you who attempted to turn a forest patch in to a forest garden know it comes with some difficulty. I tried now for about 7 years but with limited suses. Du to very slow establishment of fruit
trees and other plants. I got in to syntropic agriculture in February 2023. Syntropic agriculter explains why this is hard and what you can do about it. First exoeriments are very prommesing so i do now my syntropic patch and lets see what 2024 brings.
Syntropic agriculture uses pruning not only to get sun to the ground but also to induce a growth impuls in the area surounding the prunned tree.
When e tree is toped it goes in to rapid growing stage to achieve this parid growth it mobilises stored startch from its trunk end exudes it togeter weth growt hormons to the soil. Soil fodweb gets activated througt the bounti of foot and starts making nutrients plants available. This creates a growth impuls in the rootsystem of the spesific tree and all plants in the rootsystem will react with vigorous growth. Also is the material fom chop and drop good food for earthworms and basidiomycets acording to ernst götsch 70% of the growt impulse is due to rootexudates and plant hormons as he says codifide growth information and about 30% is do to mulching.
With the repedet choping of the trees around your plants you increes there growth due to imprufed ligt condition and growt impuls also does soil quality rapedli increes. Even if its in the begining not suited for your fruit trees.
On the locations where i planted fruit trees i planted now also moter plants along them.
So a chestnut plum ore asimina and next to it
Popular willow mulberi thornles roas cutings also seedling of elder elm
ash birch and seeds of aesculus rea and wite oaka tulip tree also maple. Basic basicli ale rapid growing species i could get my hands on.
When thes start growing i will prune them back so my fruit trees have suficiant ligth.
I made some islandes of trees where a planted about 10 to 50 close by. If they cloas the
root will intertwine and change the soil.
Popular plum and gray alder wil probably spred out from there and propagate them self througt root suckers. So the forest garden will extend it self and with topping i will ecelerate the prosses. As trees grow larger some wil be cut to the ground oders trimed beck to about 5m so i still get timber.
On ther ereas in this forest are dens youg growth of beach fagus sylvatica and some maple and elm view cherry and linden trees. I cut beck most beach to 1.5m so they can be used for biomas production and out of reach by the dear. Also some of the maple i toped at 5m. Betwen i will add other species like silverwillo popular and grey elder. This area will be toped annual to improve the soil and secure the steap sloap. Its now havey kley soil mixed with gravel trees tend to establish slow and acationaly we have
land slides. The material from chopping. Specially the loges plased on the toped trees to form living terasses over time. This makes the tarain instantly more accessible and fun to work.
Over the long run the goal is to creat a bee forest with little fruit trees and a flowering herbal layer. Trees like tilia tomentosa can yeald about 1000kg of
honey per hectar the area is about 6hektars and about one is suited for this aproche like young dense growth of mixed leaf trees mostly beach.
8 to 12m in high and 8 to 20cm in diameter
Heavy pruning/topping and tree diversity semes tobe the key to success in forests
Trees to large to prune and to nice to cut down
should be avoidet ther root system us usuali duble as wide as the croun.
Als should the pruning benefit myhorriza
mushroom and increese the fruit body's.
In a year or two i can say more about the method.
Currently i working on a little summery of the noats from the syntropic
workshop with ernst götsch.
His website agendagö
I recomend the two videos
The first one for a short impresion
The second one about 2 houers
Also this two instagram proviles give a great impresion what it lookes like
@agendagoetsch und @matadolobo