Useful tips Dan, thanks. The problem I have is a shortage of homemade compost at present, but I am gearing up for next year. In the mean time I was looking for a way of mulching and conserving moisture and suppressing weeds, as I live in probably the driest part of the UK. I was thinking plastic roll, but there is the problem of dealing with a crumpled plastic sheet with holes in it, dirt sticking to it, and what do you do with it anyway?
I looked on the internet and found, they have several types of paper (cellulose) rolls, some loaded with nutrients, which looked attractive. as I'm in the uk I looked for a
local source and found The economic trigger for buying is that it cuts down weeding. It is not waterproof, so lets
water down to the soil, but for your problem, apparently slugs and snails dont like crossing it. I suspect this is because the paper is dry except just after rain, and it dries out the slugs if they try to cross it.
I bought a roll of the heavyweight, the calcium loaded, the humic acid loaded and the NPK loaded so I can try them out. The first thing was to load up and use a piece to cover the compost heap. This will tell me fairly soon if it really does reduce evapouration.
So now it is wait and see, but if it reduces weeding it will be great, keeping slugs off will be a big plus. I know cardboard would be an option,but I don't have