Millet is drought-hardy, tolerant of poor soils and hot weather, making it a
staple crop in Africa and India. We've had some hot sunny days,
enough to dry out the top few cm's of soil a bit, but always cool, dewy nights down in the 50s. Its also been raining periodically, a cm every 2 days or so marked by a nice 2-3cm rain once a week. Seems to me like perfect conditions for something like millet to thrive, some hot drying days followed by access to
water to really spur growth. I was having the exact same thing happen during the rainy season with the millet, which I was attributing to too much moisture.
Strangely I've also noted the same thing happening with sunflowers I planted, some are about 2ft and still going vegetatively, others are starting to bloom a tiny flower at about one foot high. They're dwarfed somehow. The biggest difference I can see is where there's good topsoil at least the sunflowers are going strong; the millet still hasn't done much at all. Where the soil is poorer is where I'm noticing the dwarfism. I'm not really sure if its bolting in the normal sense. Doesn't that normally happen with cool-season brassicas that are too hot?