Dan Woloz : There is an entire book that can be written to cover your 7 short simple sentences. The
Rocket Mass Heater that Ianto Evans evolved
out of the earlier
rocket stove has little changed from its original models, (its future is wide open and exciting ) It was, and is in its creators hands
a highly crafted space heater constructed out of dirt (sand and clay,
COB) Dirt will not burn, it will not rot, insects wont eat it, and yes, it is as
Cheap as dirt'', most of the rest of the materials can be found in the waste stream. This series of lucky co-incidences is something everyone
embraced, its creator most of all. 'The Book' reflects this philosophy,which is after all inline with the ideals of
permaculture and good for us and
the Planet ! Re-cycling is a Great thing, there are many who have crafted their own
RMH spending well under $100.oo. Truly, Bragging Rights !
This has had an unfortunate effect of nearly freezing the development of the
RMH, and as it is a primary goal of fellow members like myself
to help New members build Successful RMHs we add some confusion by sending our newbies back to 'The book', this is still the very best advice
we can give !
A source of possible error has crept into the plans as some guidelines meant to be minimum or maximum dimensions were interpreted to be rigid
laws of physics, mostly those later errors have been caught and exposed as such !
So, insulation is good, be very generous in the
Feed Tube and Burn Tunnel, here a major goal is freaky high temperatures quickly to promote the
highly efficient, clean burn that creates the heat
energy that does its 'work' at the Heat Riser/Barrel interface to pump its hot exhaust gases 30'
At the Heat Riser the insulation performs a special function helping to separate and maintain the marked temperature differences between the hot
rapidly rising gas stream within the Heat Riser and the gases in contact with the inside surface of the barrel, which radiates off much of its heat,
cooling and becoming denser and falling down through the transitional area to turn and flow out through the horizontal pipes of the Thermal Mass
Without the insulation to promote the marked temperature difference in the two gas streams, the temps would equalize and the heat pump effect
would stall out! The Two inch gap at the top of the Heat Riser,and along sides of the barrel are minimum distances, that can be exceeded, indeed
the smooth unimpeded flow of the hot exhaust gasses to, down through, and out of the Transitional Area make the 2'' gap absolute minimums.
We ARE NOTtrying to fill up the space in the drum with insulation !
Many if not most of the earliest RMH Builds were made with the dead soft red/orange red 100+ yr old building bricks, and the world wide adoption
of the RMH has seen this trend continued overseas with a generous sprinkling of homemade 'Firebrick' I personally would use the old bricks and
save my money for the final vertical Chimney !
The last two years especially, has seen a lot of improvements in RMH design, My best and strongest suggestion would be to create your 1st rocket
out of doors following the more conventional pattern, and expect that this will not be the last RMH you ever Build ! For Good of the Craft. BIG AL