I searched for a
thread on this or thread containing this thread, and found nothing (except one thread talking about how you can't buy
permaculture food in a store).
I don't need there to be a store, a CSA-type-thingy would do just peachy for me, but I wonder if there's aaaaaaaaanywhere I can get this kind of food in Massachusetts?
leftovers that someone doesn't want?
Places you can go to steal
Sepp Holzer's food?
It'll be a while before my nut
trees give me sweet love, and I'm hungry and want to be better nourished.
The only BioDynamic-ish thing I can get around here is yogurt. I appreciate that and am eager for more.
I'm thinking of this thread to be more buyer-focused than seller-focused, like "here's where I get some really good stuff" or "here's how I found a supply," more than "buy my thing because it's great (except if you don't live in New Zealand)". Maybe there are creative outside-the-box solutions people have found to this question? stories about "the one time I had a real peach that tasted 8,000 times better than what you get at the store" and didn't cost what it costs at the farmer's market? here's a really spend-smarter-not-harder CSA model I've found out about?