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List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Peter Ellis wrote:I might try taking the plants outside for an hour or two on a breezy cold day. Make the bugs uncomfortable, let the wind help take them away, give them lots of other places to be - and, hopefully, places where they will freeze to death and die.
Unless the plants are extremely delicate, an hour or so in sunlight with cold air moving past will not hurt them (or hurt them less badly than the bug infestation)
And, note to self, use quarantine practices when bringing in live plants....
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Miles Flansburg wrote:Have the kids watch for ladybugs , some of them might help?
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Becky Proske wrote:Hello Elle,
When you say "Flying gnats", i suspect they are fungus gnats. they love moisture and rotting material. Part of their life cycle takes place in the soil. One way to reduce their numbers is to alow the soil to dry out between waterings. Let the soil surface become dry to the touch. Pour off any excess water that remains in the tray after each watering. Like fruit flies, fungus gnats are very annoying, but are not likely to harm the plant. maybe homemade traps (like those used for fruit flies) will work, just a thought.
"Some sort of bug that lays small white eggs all over all of my plants." My first thought here is the common houseplant/greenhouse pests like scale, mealy bug, or aphids. Where on the plant do the "white eggs" appear? How are they shaped? Are they in clusters? Are they fuzzy? Sticky?
The act of moving plants outside is effective where natural peditors and environmental rythmns can help. But if it is cold, I wonder if the "bad" bugs will just crawl down in the plants for shelter, until they are moved back in side? Regardless, it's worth a try. The weather and length of time outdoors might be key.
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List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Dave Friday wrote:If it is fungus gnats, get some mosquito dunks. Crumble on up an sprinkle a bit on the soil of your plants and water it in. The fungus gnat is related to mosquitoes and the BTI kills the larvae in the soil.
elle sagenev wrote:Can I just sprinkle DE over everything ya think? I already have tons of that and I'm rather kicking myself for not thinking of it earlier.
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