So, my friends have 5 acres that they are letting me farm, in exchange for some of the food that grows. Years and years and years ago, this used to be a cow pasture, but they've had it for about 15 years, and haven't done a thing, so mostly
trees now, with maybe an acre of grassy
land. They are somewhat open to the idea of me messing with the trees, but would like me to use up the still cleared land first.
I'd like to manage it in such a way as to make a small income off of it (It will be my full time job by next year). It is a 20 minute drive from my place, so I'm thinking at least for this year, fairly easy to care for crops that I can work with about 2 days a week, while I'm just starting up. We are in western Washington, and they are located on the south end of the sound, so pretty mild weather.
So far, I've got potatoes and tomatoes in the ground, but I'm also planning on squash, just have been too busy. Thinking of green beans, too. I was thinking of sowing a cover crop of buckwheat over the summer, and then planting kale, chard, broccoli, spinach, and possibly garlic to over winter into spring for next year's crops.
I was also thinking of planting in raspberries (tend to do pretty well over here) starting next year, and maybe some other perennials? Don't want to do strawberries or blueberries because there are too many people doing those fruits. Maybe flowers for sale?
Any ideas or comments?