Hello Ozarkian Permies! Recently some friends and I started a
local meetup of
permaculture students and practitioners in Springfield. The group inspired me to create a dedicated Ozarks forum. I don't mean to take away from the community here at permies but I think there are
alot of benefits to having our own dedicated site and server. The idea is that it can be used to furthur connect permaculturists in the Ozarks with one another. Inspire more local meetups, and share
experience and information with eachother about
Permaculture in this specific bioregion. The forum is currently still in beta stage. At the moment I am taking a survey to gauge the interest in such a website. If you would be so kind to take a moment to
answer a few questions it would help me out a ton. The survey is only 6 questions and takes on average about one whole entire minute to complete. Thanks for the help!