They'd been outside for a week, and I moved them to a pen in my garden yesterday.
Feed stayed the same, except I added weeds as I gardened, but I fed those same weeds to my
chickens, turkeys and goats, and nobody else got sick, and I didn't see anything poisonous.
Saw 2 of them die; they'd get real sleepy looking, then wobbly and limp, and then their necks would start jerking, and then they would die. From happy duckling to dead ducking in under 10 minutes.
I've moved them back inside the house now. Does any one have any idea what could have caused this? I had ducks when I was a kid and I never saw anything like this happen.
ETA: Yes, they were plenty warm, also these deaths occurred in the afternoon. Yes, they had plenty of fresh
water. Yes, I have been supplementing with brewer's yeast to make sure they got
enough niacin.