Hi. Is anybody familiar with lime plaster and how to procure the appropriate type of lime for a durable exterior lime plaster in Uruguay? The type of plaster that we have found and are told is the only type available, is 'hydratada'. It seems to be slaked lime. It seems to me that this is not proper for an external plaster as it will be weak.
i have just been reading a site ----dirt witch---shes based in spain iberia , and has some good easy to understand info and is available for help on line
You can modify plain hydrated lime with an additive called a pozzolan to make it more hydraulic. Common pozzolans are volcanic ash, pumice, brick dust, charcoal (including biochar) and ashes from wood, bamboo, or straw. The result is a plaster that sets more quickly and is more durable than plain lime. Are you able to make some test mixes and try them?
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