Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
pebble wrote:
With regards to the pond, if it wasn't possible to gley I would look at other options such as a series of small ponds from old baths etc.
Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
pebble wrote:
I'd probably plan around it in the future, but would focus on getting trees established first
Idle dreamer
John Polk wrote:
As far as pond liners go, what's wrong with plaster? All natural earth elements.
Idle dreamer
Hugh H. wrote:
Do ponds develop their own liner eventually with sedimentary deposition? I wonder if a biodegradable plastic could be used to start the pond that will eventually break down when it is no longer needed.
Idle dreamer
pebble wrote:
Yes, I know we can make plastics from plants. I'm just not sure they fit the definition of 'biodegradable' that I use. There are hard cornstarch containers that when wet go soft, and these compost fine. But I've not seen a 'plastic' bag or pottle that biodegrades naturally and easily.
Idle dreamer
Bloom where you are planted.
pebble wrote:
If we're not going to buy in compost as a design principle, why are we buying in pondliners?
Idle dreamer
DougOwen wrote:
H Ludi Tyler is in a tough situation. S/he needs a good solution to retain water during a mega drought and needs it immediately. If and when a good rain comes it would be best to be prepared for it. For now I would be looking at liners as effective short term solutions while we permies develop or create better long term solutions.
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