hau Eleanor, your land sounds wonderful.
Do you have a tractor with a rake attachment? I've found that one of those attachments does great for bringing back level to hog rooted areas without doing any damage.
Now for some specifics on using the one time till method.
Since your land is fallow, you already have some great roots in the soil and I imagine there is a fair amount of stems above ground, if not bags of bird seed are usually pretty cheap to buy and there will be a modicum of diversity in plant seeds.
Just spread them and let them grow for about a month after sprouting.
Tools for the tilling; a subsoiler is really the best but it usually takes having a tractor of at least 30 hp. to be able to get down more than a foot in a single pass.
You can of course do repeating passes in the same grove to get down deeper.
The ideal for using this implement is around two feet deep, if you can get to three feet deep you are golden.
You can use the tines on a box blade set as deep as possible too, it just isn't as efficient.
When we are tilling that single time we want to have all the organic materials already on top of the soil so they will be able to get down into the soil when we make that pass (or passes).
With a subsoiler we are depending on gravity to get those organic materials in the crevasses we create but you can also use
water to help move the organic matter down where you want it.
I have also used chisel plows to do this step.
Once you have done the tillage you need to come back with a seeder and thickly seed the tilled area then water it for best germination of your seeds.
This gives your soil new cover, in the case of pasture land, it creates a thick cover of pasture plants (I use a mix of seeds for pasture ah la Gabe Brown), consisting of rape, alfalfa, several grass varieties, hairy vetch, field peas, millet, sorghum, barley, crimson, yellow and white clovers.
Do wait till the tractor can be driven on the soil without sinking in, that is usually the best for not having much compaction result from your efforts.
If you need more help with this, do pm me with your problem and I'll do my best to give you some ideas and direction.