Hi, everyone! I have a weird issue that I'm hoping folks can help with.
We got overly optimistic this April and seeded the part of our garden that gets the most greywater even though we knew it was months before monsoon. Sadly, the few things that came up (and we did give a little raincatch overflow to try to nurse things along, for as long as we could afford to) fried and died in the spring heat and wind. We finally started to get some scattered monsoon rain recently (quite late), and we reseeded that section of the garden along with the rest, which gets less or no greywater.
We have old tires scattered throughout our oldest garden area because they give a little shade and hold rainwater inside (we drill holes in the bottom so that can
drip out and prolong the good effects of a monsoon rain). Plus we can easily attach rodent protection over the top of them. I sketch them in my garden map and note what's planted in each where that makes sense.
When I reseeded that first greywater bed a couple of weeks ago, I erased some of what I'd written on the garden map in April when I needed that space to write down what I'd just seeded. But then, much to my shock, some of the things I'd seeded in April started to sprout! In most cases I can tell pretty easily what things are. But in one tire, I have a bunch of mystery seedlings. I
think I just seeded arugula and nasturtium there in April. A couple of weeks ago I seeded the Hopi Black Dye sunflowers you can see in the center as well as sesame/benne and cumin. But most of those seedlings don't look like any of those things to me, unless maybe they're sesame and they look different than I remember or than pictures I can find
online. I haven't grown cumin before, but doesn't it look like something in the dill/carrot/fennel line? I wondered if they might be tomatillo seedlings -- I did seed a couple kinds of them in another tire or two, and maybe the first good rain moved them around.
ETA: I think this in part because there's what looks like a little tomato seedling in the bottom left, and I'm pretty sure I only seeded tomatoes north of there (it could be a
volunteer from last year -- I didn't map last year and I can't remember exactly which tire our one tomato plant was in).
What do you all think? That one odd-looking seedling at the top is a mystery, too, but I'm thinking it may be a bean or something that washed in there and then got a little messed up as it sprouted...