I have the following species for sale or trade:
Longevity spinach - cuttings/live plants
Okinawa Spinach - cuttings/live plants
Brazilian sisso spinach - cuttings
Chaya - cuttings
Malabar spinach - live plants (red or green types)
Katuk - cuttings/live plants
Jewels of opar - cuttings/seeds/live plants
Suriname purslane - cuttings/live plants
Purslane - bare
root plants/cuttings/seeds/live potted plants
Please inquire about prices etc on
thread or via PM. Cost of item plus shipping. No posting from me for plants is time sensitive. These are usually species I always have and propagate for myself for my homestead purposes. Time of year is the only factor on the availability of some species. Unless I lose a species/variety most stuff I offer will be available again eventually so ask anytime.
Thanks! Derrick