I figured the growing bed would be raised up onto a table. The compost heap would be under the table.
If the growing bed was on the ground, You would have to dig a pit to fill with compost.
If you included plumbing to circulate warmth, a piece of it being exposed would help. The exposed section would serve as a cooler/condenser. Cool water is more dense, will fall, Warm water is less dense, will rise. If the plumbing was set up similar to a rectangle, with the right side exposed, circulation would be enhanced. I think there would not be a great deal of flow, but you don't need much.
The compost heap would settle as it decomposes. If the growing bed was raised on a table, the sides around the legs could be enclosed to contain the warmth, as well as the heap. If the growing bed was on the ground, I would expect it to sag along with the heap. A four foot wide bed is the perfect size for a compost heap/growing bed combination.
My Future Evil Plan has a catfish tank in the greenhouse. The water going into the tank as it is changed daily would be heated with the sun (
wood fired backup). The well pump would be the power source for moving the water. The warm tank keeps the greenhouse cozy. Water from the tank as it is changed goes to the plants to provide nutrients from the fish manure. One small pump is needed to move the water from the tank to the plants.
There is a
thread 500 hot showers from one small compost heap. Along with the work of Jean Pain, ths supports the notion that your plan
should work if you can get the size and scale right.