We just adopted a 10 month old, female Pot Belly/KuneKune mix pig 5 days ago (she was not in the best living conditions and not getting attention). Today she is very lethargic and her vulva is enlarged with a clear fluid dripping out. She had a small amount of diarrhea last night but stool is normal now. No vomiting, no fever, no coughing, just very lethargic. She will eat, but is not as vocal as normal. In her previous home she was confined to a pretty small area with just dirt, and a commercial pig
feed. Now she has access to pasture,
hay, and being fed fermented grain with just a small amount of her old food. There was some old dried up grain scattered about in the pasture area, if she ate this could it be Mycotoxicosis? All vets are closed today, maybe she just has a belly ache and I'm overreacting.
All input is greatly appreciated.