Hi Yeah I heard that if a fox gets a chicken or if you have a corpse of anykind even road kill, hang it above the
chicken pen then the flies lay its eggs in it and the maggots come out anf fall into the chicken pen free protien!!!
what we want by the end of this thread is a list of plants and things one can do that can complete sustain chicken and ducks ie no bought food, I know there have been other various threads with what forage etc, But what I want to achieve in this thread is a total noob like me or our other new members can buy there birds look here and then know what to do.
We need also to take in consideration what time of years these plants and opportunitues are about, so we can sustain them all year round.
I heard if you boil the shells from chicken eggs you can grind it up and feed it to them and they get calcium from it.
ok I think we need a format to ge tthis started so, Ill start, and when you want to add some things copy and paste what i wrote and add yours on the end, then the next person copy and paste what they worte and add a bit more, if poss write abit about the food what it gives etc.
please gather anything you know or have seen on other forums and threads.
Maggot harvesting using dead animals, Protien ( in
permaculture this classifies as an opportunistic resource)
crushed boiled egg shells to provide calcium
Slugs, for ducks, Protein