[Preface: when you live outside the major consumer markets, and neither Amazon nor normal mail can reliably deliver to you, it can sometimes be frustrating to hear about all these magic bullet products that will never, ever reach where you live.
When you glimpse one of these rare birds, it can be hard to resist buying out the entire stock in your glee, since it is most likely something you`ll never see again.]
So I have a snail problem. I've been trying to find
DE for years, without success. Every so often when I travel I bring a small baggie back in my luggage, but random white powder and international flights are not a great mix, you can imagine.
Recently in the store I happened upon a bag of imported kitty litter that contains DE. I grabbed it thinking that I could probably find something interesting to do with it. The ingredients allegedly are just clay and DE.
From what I understand, the advantage of DE is its "spikiness", and if it's coated in clay i imagine that is reduced.
Do you think it would be worth sprinking some around my chinese cabbage and other snail magnet plants? Would it be better to dissolve and strain the whole mess and make a spray?
Or is there some brilliant use for DE kitty litter that I've never considered? (we have no snowy walkways, alas)