you've come to an important realization, no matter how many regulations, restrictions and laws you have in place there always seems to be that one big incident that gets around these regulations and that is used to pass even further laws and regulations
all of which eventually do NOTHING to protect us but instead violate our every God-given right and liberty that we as a society once held so dearly
sadly, most are not paying as much attention to detail as you and are simply getting scared and allowing that fear to force them into saying the same old, "please, protect me by taking my freedoms" and only putting themselves in a position to be hurt even worse
civil disobedience is one big thing that needs to take place, we are only beginning to see the effect of Civil Disobedience with MJ in the US, though not going far enough to restore personal liberty, this movement is beginning to make a difference
and this is what we NEED to do with food laws and such as food and a healthy diet is far more important than any drug
but more important than the food or the drugs, is the LIBERTY that is being slowly stripped from our citizens and destroying much of what was once good in this world, so besides civil disobedience, we need to get involved in
politics and become the change we wish to see.