Joe offers teh book for free in a web based version at and yes if you use thermophilic composting as described in the book, you will kill off all pathogens usually within the first 24 hours or less (he has charts showing the time-to-live based on temps). As the typically 5'x5' compost pile can handle a family for 1 year (his use was 2 adults, 3 girls), you also are letting it sit for a full year after you stop adding to it, so it is more than ready to put anywhere including the vegetable garden.
This system is definitely not "night soil" as seen in use in some countries, the output from Humanure is pure composted soil and totally safe if you followed his instructions. Even if you cut some corners, the extra year of sitting will be the insurance there. The only thing that I can think of is some medications which might not break down from hot composting and time. You'd have to look up what you take and what if anything breaks it down.
City water all over is showing higher and higher levels of medication contamination as municipal water systems can't process it either.