I have something of a nonsensical (maybe) question. I would like to make an orchard advertising sign for a relative, and would like to use a name that was used in the past as opposed to the current, yet very similar, name now.
I think that the old name is better, but I won't disclose which is which for fear of biasing any replies. I'd like to suggest that the old name
should be used but I wanted to see what others thought before putting this out to my relatives.
My question is this: Should one single orchard containing more that one type of fruit be named in the plural sense? For example, can a single orchard with peaches, plums, apples and cherries be named "Smith" (not the real name) Orchards?.
I probably will bias any replies by saying saying this - I feel that one name is more personable and would attract more
local attention while the other seems more corporate, official and distant.
Would anyone care to say which of the two names sound better or more appropriate?
1.) Smith's Orchard.
2.) Smith Orchards.
Thanks for any replies. I really would like to know if anyone has a preference or thinks that there would be no difference.