That's a tricky one. Keep in mind leaves produce sugar, for this they need
water. Which the cutting hardly can provide because root growth is limited if it has started at all. Keep them shaded to limit the exposure to light. They need some light, but not much. North side of a house works good. Slowly they form roots. If they show signs of watershortage: shrivelled leaves or stunted growth i'd take off the bottom ones.
They look fine now, as they usually do. They're still full of old
energy and water. After a month or two into spring if i notice real growth and no sign of watershortage, i move them out of full shade into half shade, i let them get used to
dryer circumstances as well, that will force root growth. No constant watering, that will spoil them at that stage.
Keep in mind at all stages it's a fine balacing act between roots and leaves. The more leaves and sun the more water will evaporate through them.
propagate from cuttings
good luck