I made goose egg custard for the first time today following one of the basic recipes online! It is delicious and reminiscent of creme brulee. I used honey as the sweetener. You gotta love foods that only have a handful of ingredients. We're overrun with eggs right now especially from the ducks so trying all manner of egg recipies.
Well done Noel - what were the ingredients? Did the recipe use only the yolks?
At the moment we too, are overstocked on chicken and duck eggs - it's spring! Goose eggs are the only thing we are under-supplied with, as they're such a short spring novelty that we have people wanting to buy them.
Full goose egg (you can sub a couple duck eggs), whole milk or cream (I used a about 50/50 because I was almost out of milk), pinch of salt, vanilla, and honey. I followed roughly the ratios in this recipe: https://theelliotthomestead.com/2014/02/goose-egg-custard/
After some pecan pie, you might want to cleanse your palate with this tiny ad: