Last summer I made four gates for our property. Three were for spots that didn't have any access before, one was to replace a chunk of wire mesh that was hanging on a pair of screws with a pallet leaning against it.
So gates were a huge improvement. This post is about Apricot Gate.
Apricot Gate is the entrance to our young food forest. It was going to be called Peach Gate until the nearby peach
trees died. They were replaced with baby apricots and the rest is history (recent history at that).
The gate has hinges on both sides so a truck can drive through but I doubt one ever will. I can get the garden
tractor through by just opening one side. It's so nice to be able to get in and out without moving a pallet and unhooking a chunk of mesh!
As you enter through the gate, three apricots are on your left with the garden shed and garden beyond. Ahead and to the left is one "field" that we've grown oats, sunflowers, corn and amaranth in. Last year I planted all my
Sepp Holzer rye in it and none sprouted
To the right is the majority of the food forest. It includes 7 apples, 3 mulberries, 4-50 hickories, 2 butternuts and a couple hundred berry bushes and hazelnuts. I planted the taller stuff along the South side and plan to keep expanding each planting area as I get new ideas.
Some day there may be a sun scoop for a zone 6 or 7 plant. There may be a
pond. There may be paths. There may be benches. There may be a resident domestic animal or two. There might be a rocket powered hot tub. I'm just letting it develop as I learn more about
The gate was made from cedar slab
wood from a friend, some remesh (reinforcing mesh for a slab foundation),
chicken wire and some screws. So it's very light and you can see through it. I can't find the pics from constructing it but I took some today as I put up its sign.
The food forest is great but it was hard to get to without... Apricot Gate