posted 4 years ago
I have many trees of similar age / size to this one (either bought from nurseries, or brought up from seeds / cuttings), and we often have very strong winds here - but I've never had any of them tipped over simply by the force of wind. (I've lost many, many trees to voles and chafer grubs - but that's a different story...)
For a young tree of this size, the roots look way too small, even if the tree was grafted on dwarfing stock. So I would try to look at nutrient deficiencies, water-logged soil, excessive compaction, and similar issues.
Alternatively, there may be small pests in the soil - similar to my chafer grubs, which eat the fibrous roots - that leave no immediately visible trace (even the absence of fibrous roots may sometimes go unnoticed). For a possible diagnosis, you'll have to examine the soil beneath the expired tree.