I'm working with a pastor to grow food for the foodbank in town. All she can do is pots. Is it possible to grow squash in big pots? I've tried to research it but the results have been ambiguous.
I have some seeds for bush squash and pumpkins but am hoping that in a large enough pot we can get away with vines.
Thank you in advance!
When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
-Avatar Aang
Yes, they can definitely be grown in a container. I just would make sure the pot is large enough and would also use an olla (that I make myself from flower pots) so I don't have to water as often.
AT a friend's house in Indiana they had a water trough large enough to sit in. A thriving vining squash grew in it. It was acorn or something like that. The rest was almost unplanted.
Joylynn, hopefully someone gets back to you specifically with bush squash, but I've done well with cukes, corn, tomatoes, and loofah in 20L pots, which are like 5-6 gallons. I would think that a half-barrel size (wine barrel, rain barrel, etc) would be ideal for most anything.