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Ya cannot live with dreams. It's time to stop dreamin' and live for this day... and the next day.. Alexander Bowen
Tereza Okava wrote:Glad you had a better experience this time around!!!
(i see videos of people walking around in pigpens with buckets and it scares the heck out of me. they have teeth and when they're not afraid to use them, yikes. He looks much more appealing to me in the smoker.)
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denny hall wrote:AGH?
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elle sagenev wrote: Plus they suck in a lot of air. Every single one we've butchered has sucked in air. They inflate like balloons and it makes me mildly nervous to be scraping a balloon.
I'd butchered all girls before. Butchering a boy is a bit more difficult. The reproductive track is rather in the way during gutting and since I hadn't killed a boy before I wasn't quite sure if I could just cut the balls off and go on my way or not. Got it done though.
Andrew Mayflower wrote:
elle sagenev wrote: Plus they suck in a lot of air. Every single one we've butchered has sucked in air. They inflate like balloons and it makes me mildly nervous to be scraping a balloon.
I'd butchered all girls before. Butchering a boy is a bit more difficult. The reproductive track is rather in the way during gutting and since I hadn't killed a boy before I wasn't quite sure if I could just cut the balls off and go on my way or not. Got it done though.
They don't suck in air. The GI track produces a lot of gas from the digestion process. Ruminants are especially bad about that, but anything eating a mostly vegetarian diet will blow up like a balloon within a fairly short time after death, especially if they haven't been starved for the preceding 12-24 hours. Don't be nervious scraping them when they bloat like that. The gut sack is beneath enough layers of skin, muscle and connective tissue that you can't rupture it by scraping.
What was the water temp for your scald? Did you scald it long enough? Getting the scald right, just like for plucking chickens, makes ALL the difference.
For dealing with the boys bits, the testicles can be removed at any time. If they're in the way just go ahead and remove them. The penis can also be removed once you are at the point of starting the gutting process.
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