My garden this year is hit and miss in a strange way. I have things doing exceptionally well in the same bed with things just hanging on. I
should have ripe tomatoes by now, but have only had a couple cherry tomatoes. I don't normally grow beefsteak tomatoes, and that is what I ended up with, so they may just take a lot longer to grow and get ripe. In the raised beds and hugelkulture the tomato plants are about 4 feet high and have around 10 tomatoe about the size of tennis balls. The tomatoes I planted in the
wood chip garden look sickly, they are about 1 1/2 to 2 feet high. One has two very small tomatoes on it. Everything in the wood chip garden was planted the same. I moved the wood chips aside until I found soil. I dug into the soil 4 to 6 inches. I filled the hole up with
compost and a little bone meal, blood meal, alfalfa meal, and Down to Earth Bio-live. Then I planted, and covered the compost with about 4" of wood chips. One watermelon is growing like crazy, the other about 20' away has hardly grown at all. The same with cantaloupe, same seed. One is all over, and the other is just not dying, but not growing. They are about 15' apart. All get full sun, I try to
water the same. It is very strange. The golden egg squash in my hugelkulture is producing like crazy, I can't keep up. I have a squash and zucchini in my
raised bed doing well, and 3 others not producing much at all, the crock neck squash will start grow to about 3" and die. The Squash in the wood chip garden looks beautiful, but hasn't produced a thing. Beans are doing fair, but not like last year I couldn't pick them fast
enough. My one bell pepper has produced more peppers then I have ever had a pepper plant produce, but every one has gotten blossom end rot. The ice box pepper about 2' from the bell has 4 little peppers full size, but not to color yet, and they look beautiful. Another bell pepper in a different raised bed, and in my hugelkulture are nice looking plants, but haven't produced a single pepper. Normally I have lots of flowers in my garden, but this year very few flower seeds germinated. It's just a strange year for me. Over the years I have had lots of failures, and lots of success, but can't remember ever having so much of both
side by side.
I finally got my raised beds mulched yesterday. I think I will start using a water meter instead of my finger (I have it I might as well use it) maybe I'm not watering enough, or to much. I will make compost tea, a couple times a month and hope things even out in my favor a little bit. I haven't been spending the time I normally spend in my garden. Normally I would work all day, get home about 3:30 4, and be in my garden, often till dark. I needed it to keep me sane. I am without a job for the first time in 14 years, and even though I still love spending time in my garden I don't need it like I did when I worked. So between a bad sleep schedule, the heat and the mosquitoes,it's harder to make myself spend the time I need to spend to keep things growing well. We have also been having very odd weather. One week it will be 105 and the next we are down to 77. It has been yoyoing like that for about 3 months. We usually stick around high 90s with occasional hell weeks of 105ish.
I was wondering if everyone is experiencing strange happenings in there garden. I hope all your gardens are doing amazing. Do tell. Thanks