Julie Helms wrote:Having hay is a necessity for sheep if you have winter without pasture. You could do it the old-fashioned way with a scythe and then tie it in bundles.
Brandon Griffin wrote:Stupid question: Why is it necessary to bundle hay rather just pile it or something?
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What is a Mother Tree ?
How permies.com works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Leila Rich wrote:Where do you dry it/keep it dry Burra? Sheds? I love sheds...stuff all the flash permie paradises, got any shed pictures?
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
Brandon Griffin wrote:I'll be buying some sheep for my future land even though I know nothing about keeping them A farmer told me I must bale hay to feed them in the off season (winter I guess?) but the question I have is how do I do this without big farm equipment? Is baling hay necessary for keeping sheep?
Ben Walter wrote:Good luck with your project and if anyone has info to share on perennial forage I would appreciate it!
Mike Turner wrote:I maintain bamboo groves in my sheep pastures. On their own they provide summer shade, winter shelter from the wind, and bamboo shoots in the spring for the sheep to eat. I fence the sheep out of the main groves during the spring shooting season so the shoots forming there can grow, allowing the sheep to eat any shoots coming up outside of the fence to prevent it spreading. In the winter after the sheep have eaten down all of the stockpiled grass, I'll cut poles out of the grove and let the sheep strip the leaves off them. These poles will later find a use in the vegetable garden for pea sticks, bean trellises and the like. Once I have cut all of the poles I need for the season, I'll use a rope and weight to pull the top of the springy canes down to where the sheep can reach them to browse the leaves. A day or two later, after they have been denuded of leaves, I'll release them to pop back up and re-leaf themselves in the spring.
read about mitsy and jaybird's adventures at http://mountainstead.blogspot.com
Ben Walter wrote:I have 9 sheep at the moment and i'm in Florida. I can have year round forage down here if I can establish the cool season crops. We have dry winters and very-dry springs here, so without irrigation or a seed drill it's difficult to establish anything.
Right now my sheep are under an old pecan orchard on about 4 acres. It's mostly bahiagrass and bermuda grass. These grasses preform wonderfully in the heat of summer with our heavy rains, but brown up quickly with cold weather. Instead of trying to supplement with irrigated forage in winter/spring, i'm leaning towards introducing forage trees and shrubs that I can coppice for the animals. I'm messing with acacias and hoping to try some moringa and amorpha. I'm also planning on planting perennial peanut in and around some of my forest garden sections that I can cut for hay or mow off as fertilizer.
If anyone knows of good forage trees, and shrubs I would appreciate any advice.
Oh, one other note I'll share about my sheep is that they are Gulf Coast Natives. These do really well with our heat and high parasite-load soils. I've had 5 of these sheep for 2 years without having to worm and the 4 lambs are about 3 months old and doing great! I would definitely research what animals will do well in your conditions because it can make the experience much more pleasant. Also, shearing sheep is not fun, I actually just sheared 3 this morning. Hair sheep avoid this, but I do have plenty of wool for mulch and insulation.
Good luck with your project and if anyone has info to share on perennial forage I would appreciate it!
Mitsy McGoo wrote:
Mike Turner wrote:I maintain bamboo groves in my sheep pastures. On their own they provide summer shade, winter shelter from the wind, and bamboo shoots in the spring for the sheep to eat. I fence the sheep out of the main groves during the spring shooting season so the shoots forming there can grow, allowing the sheep to eat any shoots coming up outside of the fence to prevent it spreading. In the winter after the sheep have eaten down all of the stockpiled grass, I'll cut poles out of the grove and let the sheep strip the leaves off them. These poles will later find a use in the vegetable garden for pea sticks, bean trellises and the like. Once I have cut all of the poles I need for the season, I'll use a rope and weight to pull the top of the springy canes down to where the sheep can reach them to browse the leaves. A day or two later, after they have been denuded of leaves, I'll release them to pop back up and re-leaf themselves in the spring.
Mike, I've read your comments about growing bamboo in sheep pastures before; this method intrigues me. I'd be interested to know a little more detail, such as your climate zone, what else your sheep eat in addition to the bamboo, how many sheep you have per acre, what type of sheep you have, and what type(s) of bamboo you grow. We would like to raise just a few sheep for our household use on as little supplemental feed as possible in addition to not needing to bale hay. We're in zone 6b in upper east Tennessee.
~ Mitsy
Ben Walter wrote:Thanks for the info Mike!
I will definitely be trying this. I have two type of bamboo that I was unsure of where to keep long term, now I know! I love the idea of letting them trim the leaves and I have tons of use for bamboo poles. Do you have a method for drying out the canes that works for you?
Thanks again.
Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
I'm in 7a (upstate SC). The pastures are a mix of fescue, bahia, bermuda, and dallis grasses, with some dutch white clover, and the sheep also have access to wooded areas with Japanese honeysuckle, multiflora rose, and whatever tree leaves they can reach. We also feed the ewes some grain when the lambs are suckling and pulling down the ewes. We have 50 sheep on 18 acres of pasture and 5 acres of forest. The sheep are a katahdin/St, Croix/Gulf Coast native cross. The bamboos are Phyllostachys makinoi, P. aurea, P. meyeri, P. edulis, P. bambusoides, and Hibanobambusa tranquillans, and Semiarundinaria fastuosa.
Ben Walter wrote:
I'm in 7a (upstate SC). The pastures are a mix of fescue, bahia, bermuda, and dallis grasses, with some dutch white clover, and the sheep also have access to wooded areas with Japanese honeysuckle, multiflora rose, and whatever tree leaves they can reach. We also feed the ewes some grain when the lambs are suckling and pulling down the ewes. We have 50 sheep on 18 acres of pasture and 5 acres of forest. The sheep are a katahdin/St, Croix/Gulf Coast native cross. The bamboos are Phyllostachys makinoi, P. aurea, P. meyeri, P. edulis, P. bambusoides, and Hibanobambusa tranquillans, and Semiarundinaria fastuosa.
Mike, thanks for the bamboo info, I guess it's a simple process.
When you mix the hair and wool breeds do you have to shear the sheep? And roughly what percentage mix are they?
Thanks again!
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