SAM 38..
Currently in
Bootcamp at
Wheaton Labs.. want to see WL grow into the boom-town of
permaculture.. would like some company.. the cats are great, but a human might be preferable for longer conversation or shared interests..
About me.. people have said that I'm "weird".. so I take it that I'm not "normal".. to me, weirdness was usually more tolerable than b.o. or b.s... so I try to stay odor free and straight forward..
People have said that I'm "sweet".. I gave myself the nickname "Suga-Shane" for a while, but it didn't seem to catch on.. so now, I go by Dez..
People have said that I'm "serious".. I suppose that's in line with my no-b.s. attitude.. I loosened up quite a bit white working in the back of a pizza restaurant.. delivering pies, prepping veggies, and cracking all kinds of nonsense jokes all hours of the shift.. it made the work fun, in a pleasantly surprising way.. I felt a bit like Spock "getting" the humor of a joke most times, but eventually, I was the one making them laugh.. ahh, good times at the busy kitchen..
To me, life is finding enjoyment in the little things.. and if it can be shared, that's winning..
What have people said about you?
Where are you headed in life?
much love,