We had a bumper crop of lettuce. So, we ate lettuce. Then we got diarrhea.
The soil was treated this way:
Oct-Nov: New Hugleculture. If I can account for one mistake, it was going overboard with fresh manure. On one, I used cow manure. On the other 3, I used goat manure.
The volume was about 30 gallons of manure per bed. The beds are about 1m/1.5m. I dug down about 2.5/3 feet and mixed in the soil. Covered with a few inches of just soil.
Winter: Grew daikons mostly. Didn't eat anything from winter garden. Let daikons rot in soil. Thought 4-5 months would be
enough to assuage the fresh manure situation.
Feb-Mar: Put winter
compost (kitchen scraps only) on top of hugleculture. It had been accumulating since September. I let it sit for 3-4 weeks on the beds. Everything was pretty broken down by April planting.
April: Planted lettuce and a few tomatoes. Shade garden that is lettuce abundant.
Now, all the plants look healthy, they are growing strong, not burnt or sickly. The soil seems to have been worked pretty well by worms, pretty crumbly. Lots of worms. Everybody seems happy. Except us.
Pathogens or Nitrites? Over-fertilized?
Should I be doing soil tests? I have a kit, but it only does NPK-Ph. Would have to send away for professional analysis.
Now, it could be other factors like washing (I double washed the lettuce, didn't use anything anti-bacterial). Or maybe it's just the crazy weather and the lettuce has nothing to do with it. Or maybe I'm just going crazy.
Thanks for the help.