I love it when something goes as per plan
I have a simple 4 x 4' composter made of clean
wood pallets.
In the fall I fill it many times with all the leaves my kind
neighbors bag for me and leave on the street for me
to pick up. Usually, they are damp so no moisture is needed.
Then I make the circuit to all the
local coffee shops and collect
100 lbs or more of grounds. I mix with the leaves and then use
a 5/8 inch 4 ft long rebar and mix and punch holes in the pile.
I add more leaves and coffee every week. The rebar needs to be
Then 2 weeks ago I read about a
compost thermometer and its uses
so I got one with a 20-inch shaft. I just now checked the pile and it
is doing well at about 120° F.
When the temp drops I will turn and prod the pile keeping it warm
all winter, or until the compost is done.
As I said, I love it when things go right.