A mountain lion attack last week has accelerated our
LGD search. The mountain lion took one of our pigs and has already taken multiple goats from down the road.
We can immediately pick up 10 week old pups from working Akbash / Great Pyrenees lineage from the goat
dairy 1 mile down the road (talk about lucky).
Since we are dealing with mountain lions, black bears and coyote packs everyone says that we will need to run at least two dogs eventually. While we have pigs,
chickens, and
rabbits on 75 acres, the dogs' primary charges will be our 4 kids (5-11 years old).
We're torn between getting a male/female pair from the same litter now or just one and then add another LGD later, possibly an adult.
FYI, our 11 year olds are boy-girl twins and are the only kids that I would willingly charge with a long term
project because they just get each other. The twin connection is weird, even for non-identical twins. They know what the other is thinking. When they want to work together, they complement each other really well. While they do know how to push each others buttons, they ultimately know when to stop so things don't get out of hand. I'm interested to see how that boy-girl twin relationship would play out with working dogs, but my wife is more reserved about getting two LGD puppies at the same time.
Our prior dogs have both been Labrador house-dogs. Our first one did nothing when I was charged by a bear fishing and I'm pretty sure our current lab doesn't even know there is a mountain lion and black bear on the property currently.