Misty, sorry I just now got around to replying.
I am scared to death to buy anything from the 'outside' anymore. I broke this rule once recently and have regretted it. The wheat straw I bought from a
local feed store obviously has been sprayed with a broad leaf herbicide. Wheat is growing great where I put it down but not ONE SINGLE WEED and the potatoes that I planted in it were sprouting nicely before planting. Now the sprouts are stunted, the tubers are still putting out
roots but it is as if the plant is on 'hold'. Common story now days from hay, straw and even the manure from animals that have eaten it.
I haven't measured how much mulch we get from our grass clippings but it doesn't ever seem to be
enough. Plus now that I let my grass grow higher I get even less to use for mulch. Doing a lot of chop and drop these days just using the weeds as mulch. I do also get cypress shavings from the man next door who is a
wood worker. He buys the wood rough and makes it into bird houses, chairs, cabinets etc. I use the shavings for my birds and after that it goes to my plants so it has a little bird poo in it.
My turkeys have taken to roosting in a particular spot so that is very handy for scooping up fairly large amounts of fertilizer (for a bird).