So, we've been saving up
rabbits hides to have them tanned. But as it turns out - tanning by hand is awful. Just hours and hours of time. :( I hate it. And it smells bad
enough my housemates don't want to help with it.
So I've been looking for a tannery I can ship hides to in bulk - 50+ at a time - and get a decent price on them. Bonus points if I can drop them off (we're in NE OH) but not required. I'd really like to be able to ship them frozen and green but almost everywhere is like "You need to salt and dry them" and honestly it sounds like it's nearly as much work to tan them. 9_9; We're also looking for "garment quality" tans - for hats, gloves, quilts and more. We try to use the whole animal and effectively as we can.
Honestly I'm so confused about how etsy or ebay has rabbit hides at $6 each. Most places are charging $6 each for hard tan, let alone soft.... Even in bulk...
Do you have a tannery you use that you can send green hides to? Looking for suggestions.
Hello, please call me Mouse. Talk to me about rabbits, chickens, and gardens. Starting an intentional community in Ohio.