I never updated this throughout the year as I intended. So here is an unsolicited,
year-end review of how the garden went.
First: the photo of the compost pile is inaccurate. I made it smaller and moved it a few feet away from where it's shown to make room for a mullein patch.
Second: I never got around to planting the mullein seeds. I had prepped that area by enclosing it within a small
fence and then laid down cardboard to kill the grass. The cardboard is still there. Seeds are still in their packet in a tin box in the fridge.
Third: tomatoes did GREAT. I got 'em comin' outta my ears. There were even a dozen
volunteer tomato plants that sprung up here and. The tomatoes basically said, "We like this garden. We're taking it over." I planted several dozen different kinds: heirlooms, indeterminates, hybrids, determinates, beefers, cherries,
mortgage lifters... I went crazy.
Fourth: Cutworms took out half of my zucchini and all the yellow squash. Powdery mildew wiped out the rest. My fault, I planted a lot and too close together and didn't weed all that much. From what I found out, powdery mildew occurs when plants are too close together, not
enough air circulation and it rains quite a bit.
Fifth: Some
underground critter chomped on all of my potatoes.
Sixth: Herbs and flowers did well. Sunnies, black-eyed-susans, dill, basil, they joined the tomatoes in plotting the garden takeover.
Seventh: I found out some notes I wrote last year that were plans for this year. I didn't follow half of that, and those contributed to some of the problems I encountered. If I used those plans, I do think the garden would have had fewer problems, been more productive (apart from the tomatoes).
LASTLY: I learned a lot. Next year will be GREAT if I combine the lessons learned from
last years' garden and this years'. Now all I have to do is write down a plan, and try and follow it.
I love this stuff. Success is always preferable, but mistakes and their results also contribute. "Experience is learning from mistakes," so I am encouraged.