I was doing some research and found this site, and well.....WoW! This seems like the kind of place where a guy like me can soak in untold amounts of knowledge.
So about me: I am a 31 year old father and husband who, in about three years time will be moving back home to a small (5 acre), mostly wooded property in deep east Texas. This beautiful lil stretch of heaven once was part of a much larger farm, but hasnt been worked in any way in at least 20 years; guessing from the size of the
trees that have grown.
As much as the wife and I would love to jump head first into the deep end, so to speak, that isnt feasible for the foreseeable future. In the meantime, she likes to spend her free time (free time....with a 2 year old........riiiiight) learning new crafts; and I have been doing research, and reading, and more reading. Currently studying "Texas Fruit and Vegetable Gardening" by Greg Grant.
I will not likely ever offer any advice here, as I have yet to put anything into practice. Unless of
course someone wants a recipe for blackberry wine or other fermented fare. (got the first 5 gallon batch doin its thing,
should be done by the time I get stateside again in a few months

Between us, we have very little
gardening skill, and only got turned on to
permaculture and
aquaculture about a year ago, but we are 100% sure its the only way to go. When the time comes, we
will be jumping in the deep end, and hopefully by then we can have the
land prepared at least a little the way we want it, and have our off-grid self sustaining home built. So far, the only progress we've made is printing out a full page picture of the land, and making a (very,very) basic overlay of where we want the zones.
I look forward to talking to yall and getting as much as I can from this site in the years to come!