What was/is your biggest challenge in designing/creating/maintaining your food forest/homestead?
What did/do you do to handle it?
For us -
water is our biggest constrain.
We have 2-3 rain events a year (a few inches of rain each), sunny and dry all the rest of the year.
What we did/do?
We catch every single drop from the roof into ponds;We use all grey water straight into the garden;We mulch (mainly live mulching, see exactly how - here);We built flat terraces to make the rain stay (instead of swales);We use shade cloth on the vegetables and 2 of our terraces;And we still buy water delivered in lorries every summer...
AND... the good news is... the more established the
trees are, the less we need to irrigate them.
Let’s share our challenges and how we handle them, as a way of acknowledging ourselves, inspire others, and... get some new ideas from others...