"Analysis Paralysis" -- overthinking the problem -- that's me! Castles in the sky, and no shovels in the ground. Awaiting the grand design, accomplishing nothing. Here's how I approach the problem.
I find the first part of the solution is to define Success 1.0. This is a reasonably achievable goal this year, such as "create a modest garden plot, plant carrots and beets, and share the surplus with family and the
local food bank." As you do this, you will define Success 1.1, next year's achievable goal. The big win is an incremental process.
The second solution, I think, is to walk your land. I am a walker, and have found, as both a backpacker and a grower, that every landscape has a sort of inherent "rhythm." Until I sort of absorb this rhythm, physically and unconsciously, I can't move through the landscape efficiently. This is not new-age mystical mush at all; it's about intuitively knowing the best place to step, and the best place to plant. The plants and animals that live there already know. Walk the land, and it will tell you what to listen for, and where to step.
My 2c. Hope this makes sense.