Hi T;
Anytime you play with new stuff its fun!
Wind as a source of power leaves a lot to be desired unless you go large.
Here are my reasons why)
You must live in a place with constant winds. Wind that is steady at apx 10 mph minimum and 20 mph + if you expect to make much power.
Nothing wrong with living in a steadily windy place, but most of us do not.
The support structure to hold a wind genny in strong wind must be stout.
They also, are usually tall and require a way to tip them down to work on.
Wind gennys are noisy. Your neighbors if you have any will not be pleased.
Like Hydro power, wind power must be constantly regulated. They must have a place to put the power or they will over voltage and short out inside.
Small wind gennys at a school would be a great way to demonstrate to students about alternative
energy, hopefully they have a
solar panel as well!