Lacto fermenting is a super way to deal with the anti-nutrients in veggies as well as adding more beneficial bacteria to our guts. It is said that all health starts in the gut.
Here are a couple of ways you can ferment your snap peas -
#1 basic recipe
enough snap peas to fit in a quart jar, cleaned of
4 cloves of garlic, crushed.
2 lemon quarters.
tsp. dill seed or cumin if you have an aversion to dill.
2+ cups of brine (3 Tbl fine grain sea salt, or 4.5 Tbl of coarse sea salt & 4 cups of
water) this will makes 4cups
should you need it.
Pack the peas, garlic, lemons and spice tightly into a wide mouth quart size jar. Pour brine to cover all ingredients, but keep it 1" below the rim of jar. Put in a regular-mouth jar lid sitting on top of mixture to hold ingredients down below the surface of the liquid. Cover the jar tightly with a lid or airlock lid. Leave at room temperature for 2 to 3 days, depending on time of year. Then transfer to cool storage.
#2 more of a pickle
same amount of snap peas as in #1.
4 cloves of garlic, cut in quarters.
1/4 cup whey (hang active culture, plain yogurt, in fine cheese cloth over night to get whey and spreadable yogurt cheese-bonus!)
2+ cups brine (see above).
#3 Time to add some spice?
same amount of snap peas, cleaned.
4 cloves of garlic, cut in quarters.
1/4 cup (or more to taste) grated ginger
root or horseradish. Want more....try 1 small hot pepper (jalapeno or other) diced w/seeds. Variation: add 1/4 cup raw
honey for a sweet hot.
1/4 cup whey (hang active culture, plain yogurt, in fine cheese cloth over night to get whey and spreadable yogurt cheese-bonus!)
2+ cups brine (see above).
All the best fermenting your bounty!