While working on the
PEP Community badge, some people may find the desire or need to respect the privacy of event attendees, or individuals who were unable to provide consent to sharing their photo
Here are some examples:
Perhaps there are children attending your
workshop, or strangers in the background, or maybe you're leading a service
project in the wake of a natural disaster, or are helping refugees, or maybe there are SO many people in your presentation that it would take too long time to get everyone's permission. That'd be great, right? Or perhaps you don't want to disclose the location of a home or permablitz project worksite, and need to hide street signs or recipients' faces?
Whatever the reason, countries vary on what can legally be shared without consent. For instance some countries may require not just faces, but also clothes and tattoos or other distinguishing marks to be edited and blurred out. Likewise some countries enable public buildings viewable from the street to be photographed and shared, but do not allow private homes and the like without permission.
How can I blur or pixelate an image so that it looks professional while enhancing privacy?
Photoshop is a very professional program, but it costs money. Fortunately there are free and open source alternatives, like the
GNU Image Manipulation Program, so you don't have to fork over any £ to add privacy to your images. The learning curve for doing this in GIMP isn't too steep. Here's how to enhance privacy in your photos using GIMP:
1. Download GIMP from their
2. Install it to your computer.
3. Open the software, and then open your photo, or a copy of your photo if you want to keep the original intact.
4. To Smudge: Hit 'S' to use the smudge tool, smearing out any distinguishable features where appropriate. Or...
5. To Pixilate: Hit 'E' or 'R' to choose the 'Ellipse' or 'Rectangle' select tool. Then click and drag the areas you want pixelized. After that...
a. Right click.
b. Filters
c. Blur
d. Pixelize
e. In the new little window, hit 'Okay'
That's it! Here's an example of what it looks like on some completely random weird stranger on the web.