Thanks for this post. I have four 4x4x4ft open-at-the-top-and-front cinderblock bins which work very well, but I'm looking at a tumbler JUST for kitchen waste. With the four large open compartments I already use, I have the luxury of time to consistently make nice, usable compost out of everything:
yard waste, kitchen waste, dog hair, human hair, dead small animals I find, etcetera.... Depending on the season, weather, and activities it takes between 9 months to a year and a half to fill one, and so the others each sit for about three to four years doing their biochemical stuff before I empty that bin and use that compost. BUT I am also maintaining a healthy rat population by including kitchen waste, and I want to stop helping those critters, as they of
course expand to areas where they destroy our man-made stuff.
My question about the tumbler: How do you deal with the continual production of kitchen waste? (e.g., is there a "holding" bin waiting to tumble?) How long does it take to make compost, allowing you to start filling it again? Is it worth getting the two-compartment bins? What are the pros and cons of the different sizes?
Thanks for your input!