Hey all,
I've got 4 hivers right now and I think we are in a bit of a nectar dearth (partially suspect this because of the 2-day robbing frenzy I had to deal with) but its got me curious about some foraging behavior of the
Specifically, I'm curious why the
bees haven't been visiting the many various blooms I have in my unmowed
yard, We have a huge amount of queen anne's lace and red clover blooming right now, But I've hardly seen a single bee on any of them. The clover has me confused. I thought they loved clover? But we have a ton of it growing all over our yard and all with big blooms, yet I haven't seen a single honey bee attending them. For the Queen Anne's Lace, I hadn't seen any bees on those either for a couple weeks until just yesterday, when I saw two bees working some QAL and some Dill flowers near my garden/ Saw one more on QAL today, but so far that's it. Still no bees (other than bumble bees) on the red clover.
I've watched at the hive entrances and I've seen plenty of foragers returning with pollen. Our pumpkin plants still have blooms, and there's a bush my our house that ALL the stingy little pollinators apparently adore. So I know there's resources to be found, just wondering why the abundance of clover and QAL are being mostly ignored.