As breastmilk is really supposed to be the main food for children under 12 months of age, and food is more for experimentation than anything else, I'd personally be concentrating on building up my milk supply.
There are a lot of galactogogues out there you can either incorporate into your diet, or can drink in a herbal tea form.
Here is a good article:
Here is a recipe for "lactation cookies" to help increase your milk by linseed, yeast, and oats.
course the other part to increasing your supply is breastfeeeding as often as possible, giving baby unrestricted access to the breast, allowing/encouraging comfort nursing, not using breast subsitiutes eg pacifiers or bottles, as your breastmilk supply will equal demand given time to adjust.
All the best with it, breastmilk is amazing stuff, all my sons breastfed for years