Joy Oasis wrote:My Dad had his gallbladder removed a few years ago. I never had official diagnosis of stones, however I occasionally dull pain and hard to describe feelings under my ribs, and when I was pregnant, I had pain from my son pushing (or so I thought) under my ribs. About a month ago, I was eating lots of chayote leaves (cooked and also raw in smoothies), and lemon (I like to put a quarter of frozen lemon in my water or a smoothie, including skin, seeds and all), and my usual herbal preparations and supplements. Possibly something else, but those might have contributed to me releasing the stones. Painlessly. The only reason I knew was because I kept going number two often and after couple of them within 15 minutes, I decided to take a shower to feel cleaner, LOL. While I was taking a shower, stone fell out, and I even thought it feel in through the window. We do have a screen, so that was not possible. I picked it up, and it was slippery, so I realized it was from me. I looked and took a stick and smushed it -it was like a hardish wax. I googled waxy intestine stones, and came up on info, that they are cholesterol stones and stored in gall bladder, but made by the liver. That's why getting the gallbladder out is not yet the end of the story. Not for very long, anyway. Stone was not that small, and maybe I imagined, but my under rib area feels so much emptier now. I looked at my other stools for a while and saw several more stones coming out. One time a few -I could clearly see them as they were darker color than the stool and I pressed them with popcicle stick and they had the same consistency. Now the problem is, I am not quite sure, what exactly I did to soften those stones since I didn't do any official cleanse. However chayote leaves are one of the many herbs/plants that soften and help to pass stones.
Here is what I have in my herbal files about herbs:
Liver/gallbladder herbs
Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus)- whole plant is used. Also great for migraines and dissolves stones.
Gold Coin Grass (Lysimachia christiniae, Herba Lysimachiae, Jin Qian Cao) can be found in almost all Chinese ancient liver gallbladder cleanse recipes, thanks to its amazing ability on dissolving stones and other health benefits. Besides of the compound prescriptions, clinically it is also often being used alone for gallstone removal. Lysimachia is a perennial creeping herb. Stems are delicate, prostrate, and 20 to 60cm long; surface is gray-green or reddish purple; the entire plant is glabrous or sparsely hairy. Opposite leaves are glabrous and with 1 to 3cm petiole; blade is oval, nearly round to kidney shape, 1.5 to 8cm long, and 1 to 6cm wide. Suggested gold coin grass dosage is from 15 to 60 grams in dried herb or 30 to 120 in fresh herb, in decoction or juice.
Ground Ivy , creeping charlie ( Glechoma hederacea) is also used to melt kidney and liver/gallbladder stones.
Bile salts and lecithin supplements miht help to disolve stones as well.
Fresh radish juice - start with 2-3 ounces by weight, and increase slowly to 12-14 ounces per day, before breakfast. Continue for 2-3 weeks at that dose, then reduce to 2-3 ounces again and continue until problems resolve.
Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata)- tincture -a droper 3 times a day. Also great for viral conditions (including shingles), regulating hormones. Can make strong infusion (1 oz of herb to a pint of water), take 4 tabslp. several times a day. Keep in the fridge.
Kidney/gallbladder stones
Excess calcium and low magnesium, K2 and B group vitamin diet creates perfect conditions to form stones, especially where chronic dehydration is present.
Kidney Stone Recipe:
· Raw Apple Juice (if you can find it or make it – the less processed, the better)
· Dandelion Root (capsule or tincture)
· Goldenseal Root (capsule or tincture)
To dissolve the stone, take 8 oz of juice and a capsule each or herb (or one dose of tincture) every hour that you are awake – and nothing else to eat or drink. (You won’t be hungry anyway – this juice fills up the tummy, and kidney stones masks any other sensation.) If it is not a stone, these herbs work to heal the kidney or maintain its natural healing.
recipe from
Chanca Piedra
Jordan Princess Basma uses for kidney stones Silvery Whitlow-wort (Paronychia argentea Lam), foot of the pigeon in Arabic. She gathers a handful, rinses it with cold water and pours boiling water over it. She steeps it for a few mnutes and drinks it. Pain is totally gone in 10-15 minutes.
Gromwell ( Lithospermum officinale)
decoction -- which consists of just two herbs -- Heart Vine (Tinospora cordifolia) and Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri)
Chayote leaves -make tea
Queen's Crepe Myrtle (banaba tea)
Lemon juice in water since it has citrate, that helps.
Cardamom seeds
Dandelion tea or tincture from whole plant
Garrya elliptica (coast silk-tassel, silk tassel bush or wavyleaf silktassel) great for gallbladder, kidney stone, and bile cramping pain. It can cause the duct to relax sufficiently to allow the stone, gravel or whatever else to pass with less resistance and pain.
Burdock seeds have often been used as a remedy for kidney stones and urinary calculi. Cook states they "are very serviceable in irritation and aching if the bladder, scalding urine, and urine charged with mucous and gray sediments." Colonial herbalist Johann Christoph Sauer, who wrote one of the first herbals in the "New World", stated that "The seed, taken in one-quint (1/8 ounce) doses every two weeks, will prevent stones in the kidneys and bladder."
"Herbs used for gallstones are dandelion, golden seal, mistletoe, yellow dock, oak, parsley, and wild yam." Dr. Christopher
Hydrangea and marshmallow - hydrangea breaks them down and marshmallow coats them and keeps them from hurting as they exit.
Claudia Orgill from Healthy preparedness blog recommends:
Here are the three simple steps I do to eliminate the pain (and cause) that comes with having a kidney stone within 1-2 hours:
1) Take a magnesium pill - enough times a day to the point where diarrhea begins to occur. (Cut back on the magnesium once that occurs. You want to saturate the body with as much magnesium as possible for that first day.) You can also topically rub magnesium chloride oil over the area that is having spasms - or continually drink water from a glass full of water containing 1/2 tsp of magnesium oil.
2) Drink a mix of 1 part fresh lemon juice and 1 part olive oil. Drink 2-3 Tbsp's at a time - every 2-3 hours the first day.
3) Drink plenty of water to flush that kidney stone out.
Julia Winter wrote:I'm entering my third week of OMAD (one meal a day) and I'm feeling pretty optimistic. That's a change!
Like most people, as I entered middle age I started to gain weight, slowly. In the past year I've been struggling with plantar fasciosis (I'm calling it that because the problem is not inflammation) and the inhibition of activity made the weight gain accelerate. 2018 was the year of not doing anything, or at least it seemed like that. I hardly gardened, I couldn't go on hikes, hell, I couldn't go on walks. I tried to control my weight via "portion control" and pretty much failed.
Then I watched a presentation by Dr. Jason Fung:
He explained that fat deposition, and fat burning, are controlled by insulin levels. You're not going to burn fat until your insulin levels are low. You've got glycogen stored in your muscles and liver, and that's like your refrigerator - it's easy to get to. You've got a lot more energy stored in fat, but that's like the deep freeze in your basement or garage - it's hard to access. Basically you need to burn through ALL the glycogen before you break into the fat stores. If you don't eat, this will happen at about 10-12 hours of fasting.
If you try to lose weight by eating less, but keep eating on a regular basis, the intake of food stimulates insulin release, and as long as there is insulin circulating you're not going to break into the fat stores. Instead, the body will decrease the resting metabolic rate - you feel cold and crappy. You can try to overcome this with vigorous exercise through amazing strength of will, but that will give you almost unstoppable hunger. It's nearly impossible.
The easy version of this is 16:8 eating, which I would recommend to just about any adult (pregnant and nursing moms excluded). You just fit all your eating into an 8 hour period, say, from 11AM to 7PM. But I'm an overachiever, and so at the moment I'm doing more like 22:2 eating. I eat between 6:30pm and 8:30pm most days. (I do have a latte' in the morning, so it's not a real fast - there's whole milk in there.) I move from the latte' to tea, water and other no or very low calorie drinks for the rest of the day, up until dinner which I eat with my family.
What I like about this is the simplicity. I haven't changed my life much. I already wasn't having a sit down breakfast, but I was eating nuts (walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, pistachios, hazelnuts) that I have in my desk at work, and I was eating lunch. Various treats show up at work and I've been pretty good about avoiding them. Now it's simple. I only drink at work, I don't eat. When I get home, I eat dinner with my family like always.
Hunger comes in waves, it doesn't grow and grow endlessly. If you can get through the wave of hunger, you can get on with your life. For sure, this is easier on days I'm in the office. Monday is my day off, and I've broken from the pattern on two Mondays: one because I was doing some elaborate cooking and it's hard to cook without tasting and more recently because for the MLK holiday my husband went to the French bakery and bought pastries.
I haven't tried going longer than 22,23 hours, but I hear that's not as hard as it sounds either. I'd love to hear from other people who have tried this - what was your experience?