first year raising a hog.
We have a Berkshire, her name is Carrie.
Carrie is 3.5 months old. she weighs 60 lbs. we
feed her 2x daily, once in morning once in evening. at each feeding she gets 1.5 lbs DuMor Complete hog/sow pellets, 2 lbs "pig mash" that consists of 70% alfalfa (bale) 20% cracked corn and the other 10% is whatever fruit and veggies come from our garden, that are not "perfect" for us to eat.
all of this "pig mash" sits in a 5 gallon
bucket with just
enough water to cover it. we also toss in the "lees" (leftover yeast and sediment) from my wife's wine brewing, about once a month.
I have researched Alfalfa and pigs quite a lot. I have seen a wide range of answers, but none that convince me they come from
experience or scientific research.
she seems to love the mixture. we are raising her for butcher. I have seen several conflicting stories about whether or not alfalfa works for or against weight gain. and if so, what kind of weight gain (fat vs meat)
I read here often, but have now joined. I am interested in "permies" opinion of this.