N Stephenson,
I, too, have had to tackle poison ivy, as in hundreds of feet of the vines. In my case, ultimately I was forced to don long pants, long sleeved shirts, gloves and go and pull as much of the sprawling vines as I could. Eventually I tracked it down to a central tap-root. At that point I dug down deep and severed the tap
root as deep as possible and re-covered with dirt. I watched carefully and any little leaves of poison ivy that started to pop up I hit immediately with vinegar. I only had to use vinegar a couple of times at which point it just gave up.
I am highly allergic to poison ivy so getting it out was an absolute must for me. After working I stripped off my clothes and dumped them in the washer and immediately washed them while I showered. I lucked out and did not get poison ivy. Your mileage may vary.