I am not sure where I got this recipe otherwise I would give credit.
When I make sauces or gravy I use a basic white sauce. It can be flavored with different items to give it a variety of flavors.
course, my favorite is cream gravy for
chicken fried steak made with the drippings from cooking the steak.
At Thanksgiving, I usually made a Bechamel Sauce using the giblets and stock from the turkey.
One of my favorite breakfasts is sausage gravy and biscuits, just a crumbled cooked sausage to the white sauce.
Lumpless White Sauce aka White Gravy
Use equal parts flour and butter by volume. Example: 1tbsp butter goes with 1 tbsp flour. But you can see as you cook it how much it 'works'.
1. melt 2tbsp butter in the bottom of the pan.
2. add in 1 1/2 tbsp flour and mix. Look at it. Can it handle another 1/2tbsp flour? If so, throw that in.
Method: watch it bubble and move. You
should be able to pull it into a ball in the center and have it bubble and spread. If it isn't able to spread, you have used too much flour. stir it so that it all cooks and does not burn.
As it cooks it goes whiter, and bubbles and spreads less. This whole process takes maybe 2 mins.
3. Add 2c
milk all at once, and whisk or stir briskly. Do not return to the heat until this has mixed.
Bring to a simmer and cook a further 2 mins. Add seasonings as desired. At this point, if making macaroni cheese, add about 1c grated cheese, salt, pepper and pour over cooked macaroni in an oven-proof dish, Serves 2. Double the recipe for a usual size of mac n cheese.
Mustard sauce: add 1tsp standard mustard. Parsley sauce: add a handful of parsley. Bechamel: cheese and nutmeg.
To do a 4 oz can salmon with parsley, I would use only 1tbsp of everything, 1 can salmon and a good handful of parsley. That would
feed 2.
My mother inflicted 'white sauce' with leeks and white sauce with carrots on me as a child and I never got over it. Just disgusting. I only use it as a base for something else.
Troubleshooting: lumps? Did not have all flour impregnated with fat before adding milk. Or else added milk piecemeal and it clenched at some, and not at others. If you have lumps, get out your whisk and whisk furiously.
Too thick? add milk.
Too thin? cook a little longer. In desperation, can mix flour with cold
water in a shaker, shake, and then add this to the sauce.
What is your favorite recipe for a sauce or gravy?